First String only needed. i broke it up a little, so you can practice piece by piece, then put it all together. i tried my best to get the right tone, i work by ear, and it worked for me. i hope you can figure this out. *sighh* (hint:title) 8-8-10-3-/-8-8-10-13-10-/-8-8-10-6-8-10-/-8-8-10-3-/-8-8-10-13-10-/-8-8-10-8-6-5-1-3 6-8-10-8-10-13-10-/-6-8-5-1-3-/ -6-8-10-8-10-13-15-13-10-8-10-/ 10-13-15-/-18-17-18-17-15-13-10-/ 10-13-8-10-6-5-3-6-5-3-1-3-/-6-3-6-3